Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Four Legged family

This little fellow is Tom, the newest addition to our animal family. We have had him for two weeks so he is 9weeks old now. Tom - aptly named after the boys favorite tractor (tractor Tom), is a golden Lab and just so sweet. Our sweet girl Lola just loves him, she was in need of some company and we are hoping it keeps her in the yard a bit more as she does enjoy a good play with the neighbours dogs. The poor little poppet was missing his mum to start with and freaked out Lola as he looked for some 'mummy milk'. How cute though. Who can resist that little face. The kids love him and he has been roped into many a game of pirates and cowboys. Eliza just laughs at him, not too sure on the puppy kisses but he is being quite gentle with her.

Next introduction is Miss Princess who really does live up to her name. We got her back in June. She was a rescue pony and then needed a new home as she wasn't quite suited to where she was. Princess is quite old, some where in her mid twenties. She is very cute, a Welsh Pony cross, but puts her ears back at most things but so far is all ears no kick. I have had the boys on her ages ago and she was pretty good but we have since had one horse leave and two newies so we aren't riding any of them just now. Just letting them all settle in. Princess really can have her moments of sweetness though - lucky for her otherwise it would be find a new home time lol.

Next arrival is Sweetie. My neighbour across the road saw her in a paddock looking dreadful and basically approached her owner and they gave her to my neighbour. She lovingly fattened her up and leased her for a little while and now she is ours. She is a stockhorse, palamino in colour (my favorite) and very old and sweet. Sweetie has had alot of foals in her time and her poor back is quite low so we can't ride her. But she loves her food, hence the pic (I couldn't get her to have a photo with her head up and I keep forgeting to take my camera down other times - she wears a fly mask during the day too which isn't too pretty). I'm not sure how long she will be with us for as she is quite arthritic and in her late 20's but we are enjoying loving, brushing and patting her for now. The boys are even able to do a bit with her as she is normally very quite and well mannered.

And finally we have Haitey (all the horses come with names - not our picking). He is the sweetest boy. He is only 7 and is a Quarterhorse x Arab (Quarab). Chestnut in colour and acts like a bit of a puppy dog. Has huge brown eyes that look at you longingly as you walk away as if to say 'I need a hug', and of course I can't resist. He was a give away because of joint problems in his back which means he is only for light riding, but mostly for loving, rugging, feeding etc. Haitey has only been here a few weeks so maybe in a little while we will start just leadlining on him. I just love caring for them all. I've always dreamt of owning my own horse. And it is great to be finally using the property for something.

I had always dreamt of riding horses too but back in June while we were fostering a gorgeous thoroughbred called Lady I finally got round to borrowing a saddle and lets just say we had both been out of the riding game for a while. She had a bit of a sticky eye at the time so I should've known better but when I was trying to get her to change paces she decided that was enough riding time and I came off. I don't remember that bit, but I do remember waking up on the grass, disorientated and a very sore cheek and shoulder. Had to have the whole ambulance trip to the next biggest town as I had been knocked out for a few minutes - scared my sweet hubby to death. Anyhow, basically fractured my cheekbone and a bit of muscle damage to my shoulder. All healed now but very unconfident with the thought of riding. I hope I can one day but I just love having them around. I find it very calming and relaxing spending time with them. How blessed I am.

This is a pic of Lady just has she went to have a windsuck on the fence (an annoying habit some horses have). She arrived in may and left us in August the day Sweetie arrived. I do miss her a lot as we had gotten to know each other well and she would come up and put her head on my chest for hugs. But I guess it was inevitable as her owner did love her too. My fence posts are much relieved now they don't have a horse pulling on them everyday lol.
And of course our sweet girl Lola who is 18mths now. She is so tolerant of the kids and a big smooch who loves hugs and pretending to be a lap dog. It is so nice for her to have a little play mate at home now. Look at that sweet face hey!!! How couldn't you just love her to bits.

Next animal installment will be chickens. I'm determined their pen will be done before Christmas. Take care all. God Bless.

1 comment:

Renata said...

I have all the children here just droooooling over your horses "mum we love horses - I've always wanted a horse" - you can imagine!!!
You have a great collection of animals there - just beautiful horses!
Love you guys