Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Master 2

Our gorgeous Luc celebrated his 2nd birthday on Monday. It is hard to believe he is so big already. He had a great day with some pretty cool presents (one being a cosy coupe car that is the source of way too many an argument lol) and lots of time with Mummy, Daddy, Fin, Eliza and Grandma. Seeing as I was only 5 days post op we had only a little family party with some of his favourite foods and a choccie cake covered in smarties and lolly sprinkles (I still feel a bit guilty not doing the whole sugarpaste decorated cake thing - there is always next year). But there were lots of balloons, streamers and lollies to make it a true birthday.

Happy Birthday our sweet Boy. We love you so very much.
He is such a little monkey being a grub in no shirt and he would not look at the camera so we could see his big brown eyes.


Kate said...

Happy birthday gorgeous boy....looks like you had a fabulous day! And from one mummy that "used" to do sugarpaste creations to another - you know what? They don't know the difference and even if you bought it pre-done from woolies it would still be just as exciting. That's why kids are so beautiful. Aren't we some of the luckiest mums on earth? xxoo

Kate @ Loving Life said...

Happy Birthday big bro luc!
Looks like he had a great time :)

Renata said...

Happy birthday Lucas!! We were thinking of you on Monday - big 2 year old!
Don't worry about the cake - I bet he loved it - even if it wasn't one of your exquisite creations - smarties are always a winner!
Hope you are recovering well!

Dee78 said...

lovely photos of the birthday boy