Monday, August 18, 2008

Nanna and Grandad Visit

This last weekend we had Andrews parents come up and stay for a night. It was so nice for them to see our new place, Faith (MIL) had seen the outside but hadn't been inside, and it was all new for Bob (FIL). Unfortunately though the boys had their first ever bout of a vomiting bug which started early saturday morning and continued throughtout the whole weekend. Fin had been so excited to see them all week and the poor little chappy ended up resting and sleeping on the couch for most of the time. It was so lovely to see them though and for them to see how much my little men have grown and changed. It was great for all of us. Thanks Nanna and Grandad for making the long trip.

Special time with grandad. Poor little Fin normally loves running up and down the paddock but barely managed to keep his eyes open yesterday when we went for a walk. He loved the attention from grandad though. How special.

Daddys head made a nice pillow. It was especially nice for Andrew to show his Dad his new place. He is so proud of it and was able to show off his new baby, his Husqvarna ride on mower - boys and their toys.
Luc decided to use his bout of energy up in a quick go on the swing. But needed a rest shortly after by way of daddys arms.
What a blessing grandparents are.


Renata said...

Lovely pictures! What a shame the boys were sick - the poor little things. It's nice that Bob & Faith could come & see your new place. Say hello to Andrew & the boys from us - missing you all!
Love Nata

Kate @ Loving Life said...

OH! Poor sick lil men, isn't gastro the worst? Ergh.

Nice that andrew's parents have seen your new place now.

Look forward to following your journey via the blog!

K x

Kylie said...

Hi Tanya, saw your blog via Renata's. Hope you don't mind me looking (feel free to check out mine). Love your new home in the countryside. Also, congrats on your pregnancy, ít's a girl how lovely! From Kylie

Dee said...

NEVER LOOKED PAST BABY PIC!!!! Now I understand what you said on the phone about new photos. I stopped last time on baby pic and wanted to make a comment until realsised to much to fill and no time at that moment. I love seeing fin and luc. They are so beautiful. You are a lucky, lovely family. Sorry Tan, forgive me for not understanding!!!